Me-N-U for Valentines

Pizza, and me, that is right, or so I thought.

I got to spend the night out with friends, with more pizza, and a cheesy-cry-me-a-river movie. The movie was really good, punched me real hard! The beginning almost made me weep like a baby because it was all too familiar,, Piolo's freakin effin email - almost real that it annoyed me and broke me into a sad sob and in between juts of laughs.

I will not forget the line, "I can see it in his eyes" - exactly the same words that came out of Deneb's mouth at the pizza place prior the movie, got our group bursting into hysteria.

Piolo and Toni you guys took a pizza of my heart. *cheesy pepperoni!* I know if I'd watch the movie all over again by myself I would go ballistic as Toni did in the movie.

Well, I survived V-day. Did you?


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